8 great reasons to send your infant to an international nursery school

You have settled in Bangkok after making a career switch a few years ago. You love the lifestyle that one of the most exciting cities on earth offers, along with the Thai culture which you have embraced fully. You honestly cannot imagine living anywhere else.

Especially after meeting the woman of your dreams, who you have married and now have a daughter heading towards her second birthday. You want her to have the best possible education, so it’s a logical choice to send her to start out at a nursery section to study at an international school (called เรียนอินเตอร์ in Thai) for 8 great reasons.

  1. She will learn to mix with others at an early age and learn how to integrate and behave towards others at an age where such skills are engrained for life.
  2. Your mind will be at ease as your daughter is taught by teachers of the highest standards in a safe modern state of the art classroom. The staff will ensure your beloved youngster is looked after with all the creature comforts of being at home while they are fed and learn.
  3. You want her to be brought up in a multicultural establishment so that understanding of others will be totally natural when she eventually begins her career post education. That is guaranteed when you choose an international nursery school.
  4. You know from references and speaking to other parents that two-year-olds maybe too young to take in actual class learning, but they will benefit from being allowed through empathetic teachers to develop emotionally and physically.
  5. The emphasis will be on having fun while picking up valuable life skills and learning through interaction with others, with this method proving most successful over several years.
  6. The natural progress of vocabulary will occur by discovering objects when playing and getting involved with fun activities.
  7. It’s a great way of learning as your child will remember the names of animals, transport, numbers, animals and shapes as they begin to use them in conversation, all of which is similar to the way you started to speak Thai.
  8. Learning ethics, such as queueing and courtesy to others, comes through learning at an international nursery school.